Edition 48 - September 2023

This newsletter is late once again. Our last edition of PRAISE NEWS was in November 2022. However, I’m pleased to announce that we now have the support needed to release this newsletter on a monthly basis.

In a nutshell...

here’s an overview of the events since LAST November:

December 2022

The Christmas performance on Sunday, 24th December, was beautiful. The children presented the story of Jesus’ birth beautifully, and we even had a little baby to represent Jesus. After the performance, the children enjoyed a meal, drinks, and each went home with a Christmas gift.
Once again we distributed colourful hygiene parcels to the elderly in Kitase, Eastern Region (E/R) and also in Dibisi, North East Region (NE/R), totally 200 parcels given. Additionally, we provided hygiene parcels and flip-flops to the children we were working with on the street.

January 2023

Jeanette and her son Kwadjo visited Dibisi (CotL branch), NE/R, in January. During this visit the plan was developed for the full-time teaching position for Silas Azong.

February and March

CotL sent a humble support to Turkey’s earthquake victims: 100 colourful hygiene parcels inside an upcycled shopping bag, each printed with ‘There is always hope.’
We were so blessed with a visit from Jeanette’s mother all the way from Australia for six weeks; she arrived in February. Since her birthday fell in March during her visit, we organised a surprise birthday party with cake and drinks.
World Water Day was held on Wednesday, 22nd March. CotL organised a clean-up event near water bodies in Kitase, E/R and Dibisi, NE/R.

April and May

In April, Jeanette attended Dzifa Biga's birthday fundraiser which benefited CotL and another organisation in Accra. Dzifa's support has been immensely helpful, as she raised a significant amount of money.
CotL performed a folktale titled ‘The Hummingbird’ at the Earth Day festival in the Aburi Gardens on 21st April.
Patience Akunduo travelled to Dibisi, NE/R, for two weeks starting on 24th April, to assist Silas Azong with the ongoing work at the branch in Northern Ghana.


Our annual month of reading was held in June, with the Awards Banquet held on 1st July. It was a grand event. We were blessed with a visit from Rosa and Devon Bodoh and their three children from Florida, during this time, and they graciously sponsored the finale for the month of reading. Rosa also arrived with luggage bags filled with school supplies, books shoes and clothes.


Jeanette traveled to Dibisi, NE/R for three weeks starting on 9th July. This trip was again to support and help Silas Azong with the classes. We are now providing quality education to six groups of children, meeting them on different days and times of the week. A group of Fulani children are also part of these groups, and we meet them twice a week.
On 15th July, we held our Mathematics Competition with the theme verse: ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.’ (Psalm 90:12). The competition took place in both Kitase and Dibisi. The children performed incredibly well and received fantastic prizes. Additionally, all participants received school supplies to take home.


In August, CotL celebrated its 18th year of operation. This was celebrated with a cake, drinks and a meal. We all had a lot of fun.

On Saturday, 26th August, we held a Sports Day, and it was a blast!

Look what's ahead!

Weekly and Saturday classes continue with the children in both Kitase and Dibisi.
This month, we will be participating in World Clean-Up Day on 16th September. Our plan in Kitase is to gather as many people (young and old) as we can to pick plastic waste from an area we clean each year on the Akuapem Ridge. The plan in Dibisi is to clean up plastic waste, especially by the river in the village.
On 30th September, we will be holding our annual Recycling Competition, and this year, the children will be performing short skits on anti-bullying. The theme verse for this is from Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ The question in connection with this is asking ‘What do your words bring?'

Message from Jeanette

I am deeply thankful to everyone who supports us. It’s because of your generosity that we are able provide quality education, meals, snacks, school supplies, books, clothing, and at times healthcare to the many children we work with.
The support is also helping us to continue work on completing the centre and growing our branch in Northern Ghana. Please take a moment to look at the acknowledgments below. Every contribution to Children of the Light makes a significant impact.
May God richly bless you all. Jeanette
Dzifa Biga (Birthday Fundraiser), Ghana; Hosanna Trust Foundation, NZ; Geodrill Ghana Ltd.; The Hazel Dick Trust, NZ; Beads for a Reason, USA; Top Choco, Ghana; Admintelecom Ghana Ltd.; Asantewas Creations, NZ; PFC Auditing Services, Ghana; Global Girls Rescue, USA; Lynamps Plastic, Ghana; Shillon Visa, Ghana; Shoprite, Ghana; and all the individual CotL supporters. Thank you so much!
Together we are making a difference!
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Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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