Edition 50 - November 2023

We have reached a milestone!

Children of the Light turned 18 this year. Furthermore, this is the 50th edition of PRAISE NEWS and we also celebrated 2 years at our branch in Northern Ghana on 30th October! Praise God!

Northern Ghana

Jeanette has spent the last three weeks at our branch, assisting those who are there. We are reaching out to nearly 200 children, meeting a different group on different days. Silas Azong, our full-time worker in the North, has been working with a casual staff member, Rita Wuni. Together, they are making a significant difference in the lives of the children. A group of Fulani children are also a part of these lessons; you may recall the mention of this in our last newsletter.

Sisterhood Program in the North

Jeanette and Rita gathered a small group of teenage girls one recent Sunday afternoon to discuss topics relevant to girls. After the session, we distributed hygiene packs to the girls. Special thanks to the Director Aubrey Walsh, from One Seed, for her support with this initiative.

Teens Program

On 21st October, we held a Teens Program at the centre. This program was led by our Board Member, Paulett Opoku. The topic was ‘How does pornography impact teens?’ We are immensely grateful to Paulett, for this session. It is not an easy topic to discuss, and the insights gained by the teens will undoubtedly help them steer clear of this harmful influence.

Plastic waste sent for recycling

You may recall that we took part in ‘World Clean Up Day’ back in September. You may have wondered where we took all the plastic collected. Last month, all of it (50kg), was sent to Lynamps Enterprises, located on the Dodowa Rd., for recycling.

Career Day

We recently held a ‘Career Day’ at the Learning Centre in Kitase, which was a lot of fun. The children had the chance to dress up in various attires and tell us who they are and what they do. We had a great photo shoot afterward, as you can see by the images below.

Charcoal at the centre

This month we organised for workers to come in and make charcoal for us. This charcoal is used to cook the meals we serve the children at the centre. This wood used for this purpose is not from trees being cut down, but from the big branches we cut back from the centre. We gather these branches over time and then have charcoal made. Living in a once magnificent rainforest, you can just imagine how fast everything grows around us.

Look what's ahead!

Weekly and Saturday classes continue with the children at our Learning Centre in Kitase, as well as in Dibisi and Bulbia in the North East Region. Additionally, the children in Dibisi and Kitase will soon begin rehearsing for the Christmas Performance scheduled for December. On Friday, 17th November, we will be holding a ‘Teens Program’ at the centre, with our Board Member, Paulett Opoku, as the speaker. Then, on Monday, 20th November, it is World Children’s Day! Let’s celebrate children and also pray for God's protection and peace over children everywhere.

Giving Tuesday

It happens to be Giving Tuesday on 28th November, so thank you.

Message from Jeanette

I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supports us. To be honest, your contributions keep us going. There are times when funds get low, and just like that, a miraculous surprise comes in. I’m always so encouraged, and it gives us that chance to do more. Thank you!
My time in the North was a blessing, and I arrived back on Sunday. I always learn so much on these trips. During my time there, it was the harvesting season. To be honest, I’ve never seen so many beans in my entire life, and I watched in awe at the way they were processed, without any machinery! I will definitely look at beans differently when I eat a bowl. Praise the LORD for a great harvest! Regarding the children, we are working with there, they are all doing well. It has been a huge step forward for these children. To God be the glory!

Thank you again for your support.


Hosanna Trust Foundation, Woforo, The Hazel Dick Trust, Top Choco, Beads for a Reason, Geodrill, Admintelecom Ghana, Ltd., Asantewas creations, PFC Auditing Services, Groundup Ghana, One Seed, and all the individual CotL supporters. Thank you so much!

Together we are making a difference!

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Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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