A few words about

What We Do

Our Programs

Our organisation involves children in numerous programs

The CotL programs are structured around an annual calendar that features international themes such as ‘Black History Month’, ‘World Water Day’, ‘Earth Day’, and ‘World Clean-up Day’. These engaging programs play a vital role in broadening children’s global perspectives. Additionally, we organise annual events such as the Reading Month Competition, Mathematics Competition, Spelling Bee, Vocabulary Test, Recycling Competition, and Drama and Sports Events. Beyond academics, we focus on the emotional, social, and physical growth of the children. Our ongoing literacy and numeracy classes are a cornerstone of their learning journey. 

One of our bi-annual endeavours involves the preparation of vibrant hygiene parcels that are distributed to various recipients, including children with disabilities, hospitalized children, street children, and the elderly, 

At CotL, our aim is to transform education into an enjoyable and life-changing journey for the numerous children we serve. We firmly believe that education is a vital component in empowering children to unlock their full potential.  


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